Family-Focused Creation

Families from the Beginning is a ministry for families emphasizing God’s original design and purpose. Why “from the beginning”? If the Biblical creation is the foundation for all Christian doctrine and understanding and defending it is key to Christian apologetics and evangelism, then the Biblical creation of the family is the foundation for human relationships and understanding the beginning of families in Genesis is key to founding Christian families, churches, communities and nations. Jesus defended the Biblical creation as the foundation for the family in Matthew 19:3-9. In this rebuke of the Pharisee’s tradition, He shows them that “from the beginning” families were created to be stable. If Jesus used Genesis to defend and justify family life, then we should study to understand what else the creation record can tell us about living as a Biblical family.

Our book, “Families from the Beginning: Your Family, God’s Design” is available in paperback or Kindle on Amazon.

Click here to order your copy.

Follow this link Families from the Beginning, Chapter 1 to see the first chapter.